The famous Dattatreya Ashram at Orangefield Road , Carapichaima in Trinidad is organizing a Hanuman Heritage Festival from April 10th to 20th, 2008 . The Dattatreya Yoga Center in 
Trinidad and Tobago is noted for an inspiring temple and the world famous 85-foot statue of Lord Hanuman, which is one of the tallest Hanuman statues in the world.

Hanuman Heritage Festival will be taking place under the guidance Sri Ganapathi Sachchidananda Swamiji. One of the main objectives of the festival is to explore and benefit from work, wisdom, devotion and exemplary life of Lord Hanuman for the attainment of a higher level of consciousness.
There will be regular pujas during the festival days and includes Homams and Havans. The highlight of the festival is the lectures and discussions on Lord Hanuman by leading scholars from
The festival also provides the opportunity to experience Hindu culture through music, dance, art and cuisine.
The festival concludes on the