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Swami Gagangiri Maharaj Quotes

Yoga is the relation between the guru and the disciple. This relationship seeks new challenges, new paths and new horizons, creating an ever renewing confidence in the Self. You are the guru and you are the disciple. This duality is within you. The sense of enquiry and devotion is the discipleship, and the intensity towards the Divine is the guru.

Because of old religious prejudices, for centuries we have looked down and condemned the physical body as an enemy, and as a heavy liability. We have neglected the growth of the potential which is in us. The body as it is now is pampered and misused. True, the body with it's unruly desires and passions has posed problems. But the same body if taken into confidence and spoken to, could be developed as a sensitive instrument for the holistic growth. In fact the ‘Hatha’ and ‘Tantra’ Yogas know and utilize the body with it's passions as an asset and sublimate these energies for spiritual powers and siddhis. A purified body is a new vehicle for unknown energy paths.

Swami Gagangiri Maharaj


Because of old religious prejudices, ... body is a new vehicle for unknown energy paths.

This passage delves into the historical and cultural perspectives on the human body, particularly within the context of religious beliefs and practices. It suggests that throughout history, certain religious ideologies have viewed the physical body with disdain or as a hindrance to spiritual growth. This negative perception has led to the neglect of the body's potential and the mistreatment or disregard of its needs.

The text proposes an alternative viewpoint, emphasizing the body as a valuable asset rather than a liability. It suggests that by understanding and embracing the body's nature, including its desires and passions, individuals can harness its potential for personal development and spiritual advancement.

Specifically, it references traditions such as Hatha and Tantra Yoga, which recognize the body's role in spiritual practice and seek to channel its energies in constructive ways. These practices aim to purify the body and transform its energies, using techniques such as breath control, physical postures, and meditation to cultivate spiritual powers and attain higher states of consciousness.

Overall, the passage advocates for a more holistic approach to the body, one that acknowledges its importance in the journey towards spiritual enlightenment and seeks to integrate physical well-being with spiritual growth. It suggests that by nurturing a respectful and symbiotic relationship with the body, individuals can unlock new pathways to inner transformation and self-realization.


 You are the guru and you are the... towards the Divine is the guru.

That's a beautiful perspective! It speaks to the idea that within each individual, there exists both the seeker and the source of wisdom. Let's break it down a bit:

The Guru Within: This refers to the inner wisdom or intuition that guides us. It's the part of ourselves that knows the truth, that is connected to something greater than ourselves. The guru within is the source of insight, clarity, and guidance.

The Disciple Within: This represents our capacity for learning, growth, and openness. It's the part of ourselves that seeks knowledge, that is humble and willing to learn from others and from experience. The disciple within is curious, eager to explore, and devoted to the journey of self-discovery and understanding.

When we recognize and honor both the guru and the disciple within ourselves, we embrace a holistic approach to personal and spiritual development. We acknowledge our own inner wisdom while also remaining open to learning from others and from the world around us. This duality within us fosters a balanced and harmonious relationship with ourselves and with the Divine.