Hindu Blog was born on
But strangely the idea of giving up never came to my mind because each day through the numerous newspaper articles related to Hinduism, I was learning more and more about this great religion. Soon, I realized that I can use this blog as a platform to learn about Santana Dharma, which I continue to do.
The blog today discusses all aspects related to Hinduism. Each day I use this blog to explore Hinduism more and more and share what I learn.
The greatest strength of this blog is the search engine readers – people who find the blog through Google, Yahoo etc. Today, the blog has over 100 subscribers and has had over 1,65,000 visitors. The blog receives more than 10000 unique visitors each month. This when a Hindu community spirit is yet to take place on the blogosphere. Also when religious blogging is considered a poor niche.
For Hindu Blog, each day is a new learning experience, a new opportunity to connect, new friends to learn from and share knowledge about Santana Dharma.