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Hindu Spiritual Music from Deva Premal and Miten

Deva Premal and Miten have been mesmerizing the western world with Hindu spiritual music.

Deva and Miten’s music is an expression of spiritual devotion, through song and chant. The couple have been living and playing together since 1991, releasing a string of acclaimed CDs along the way.

Deva & Miten first met in India, at the ashram of the controversial mystic, Osho. Their music arose from their love of their Guru, and through their experience of meditation in the ashram. Encouraged by Miten, who was responsible for the evening meditation music, Deva began singing harmony with him. Later she found her true expression through the rediscovery of the mantras she'd chanted as a child with her father in Germany.

To an Indian who is used to listening to the Indian classical musicians, Deva Premal chanting Hindu mantras with a western accent might sound strange. But she easily overcomes this with her true devotion and transports the listener naturally and effortlessly to the world of spirituality.

The full collection of Deva Premal and Miten’s music can be found at their official website.

The latest offering from Deva Premal and Miten is ‘Deva Premal Sings the Moola Mantra.’ More details about this latest offering from the couple and a sample of the music can be found at their official website.