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When Ego Is Crushed, Humans Identifies With The God Within And Is Released From Bondage – Hinduism Teaching

In Hinduism, the concept of ego and its dissolution is a fundamental aspect of spiritual growth and liberation. The ego, or 'ahankara,' represents the individual self's identification with the body, mind, and external world. It is the source of all desires, attachments, and suffering, binding the individual to the cycle of birth and rebirth (samsara).

When the ego is crushed or transcended, a profound transformation occurs. This transformation involves the realization of the true self, or 'Atman,' which is identical with the ultimate reality, Brahman. Brahman is the infinite, eternal, and unchanging essence of the universe, and recognizing this unity is the key to liberation (moksha).

Key Points in Hinduism Teaching:

Ego (Ahankara):

  • The ego is the false sense of individuality and separateness.
  • It is associated with desires, attachments, and the illusion of duality.
  • The ego perpetuates the cycle of karma and samsara, leading to repeated births and deaths.

True Self (Atman):

  • Atman is the innermost essence of an individual, the true self.
  • It is eternal, pure consciousness, and identical with Brahman.
  • Realizing Atman involves understanding that the individual self is not separate from the divine.


  • Brahman is the ultimate, unchanging reality, composed of pure existence, consciousness, and bliss (Sat-Chit-Ananda).
  • It transcends all attributes and forms, encompassing the entire universe.

Liberation (Moksha):

  • Moksha is the liberation from the cycle of birth and rebirth.
  • It is achieved through the realization of the self's true nature as Atman, which is one with Brahman.
  • This realization frees one from all forms of bondage and suffering.

Process of Crushing the Ego:

Self-Inquiry (Jnana Yoga):

  • A method involving deep meditation and contemplation to discern the true self from the ego.
  • Questions like "Who am I?" are used to peel away layers of false identification.

Devotion (Bhakti Yoga):

  • Surrendering the ego to a personal deity and cultivating a deep sense of love and devotion.
  • Through devotion, one transcends the ego and experiences the presence of the divine within.

Discipline and Detachment (Karma Yoga):

  • Performing one's duties without attachment to the results.
  • This selfless action helps dissolve the ego and purify the mind.

Meditation and Mind Control (Raja Yoga):

  • Practices like meditation and breath control (pranayama) to still the mind and transcend the ego.
  • Achieving a state of inner peace and equanimity where the true self can be realized.

The Experience of Realization:

When the ego is transcended, individuals often describe an overwhelming sense of unity and bliss. They experience the divine within themselves and in everything around them. This state is beyond ordinary perception and thought, often referred to as 'nirvikalpa samadhi,' a state of non-dual consciousness.

In this state, the individual realizes:

  • Oneness with the Universe: The sense of separateness dissolves, and one feels a profound connection with all existence.
  • Inner Peace: Freed from the turmoil of desires and fears, a deep and abiding peace prevails.
  • Unconditional Love and Compassion: With the ego dissolved, the barriers to unconditional love and compassion fall away.
  • Freedom from Suffering: The root cause of suffering—attachment and ignorance—disappears, leading to true freedom.

The teachings of Hinduism regarding the ego and the divine within guide individuals towards spiritual awakening and liberation. By overcoming the ego, one can experience the true self, realize their oneness with the divine, and be released from the bondage of samsara. This journey involves various practices and disciplines, but the ultimate goal is the same: to recognize and embody the divine essence within, leading to eternal peace and freedom.