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Malaysian Muslim Woman Wants to Live as Hindu But

Revathi, 29, a Malaysian woman was born to Indian Muslim parents, who converted from Hinduism to Islam. But Revathi was raised as a Hindu by her grandmother. She married Suresh Veerappan, a Hindu, in 2004 and they had a daughter in 2005. BUT the Malaysian law won’t permit Revathi to live as a Hindu. Because Malaysians who are born as Muslims are legally barred from changing religion.

The marriage of Suresh and Revathi is not registered because under Malaysian law Suresh would have had to convert to Islam first. The trouble started when Revathi applied before a court to officially designate her as a Hindu.

The authorities seized the couple's daughter and handed the child to Revathi's Muslim mother. Revathi was send to an Islamic rehabilitation center for six months. At the center Revathi was forced to recite Muslim prayers, wear Muslim dress and eat beef.

Now authorities have released her from the rehabilitation center but have ordered her to live with her Muslim mother and undergo counseling to remain Muslim.

All are born as human beings and faith comes later. Majority of the people choose the faith of their parents but there are many children who opt for a different faith. Tension begins when State, society and parents stand in the way of religious freedom.

In Revathi’s case she was not the victim of dubious conversion tactics. It was her personal choice. Hinduism is never associated with Proselytism. Instead, Hinduism is the biggest victim of Christian conversion tactics. It is interesting to note here that Christian missionaries generally tend to ignore Muslims even in India.

A modern state needs to respect the choice of an individual in the matters of faith. All religions need to be tolerant towards other faiths.

But it seems only Hinduism needs to be tolerant towards other faiths. Revathi’s episode was reported by all most all the well known newspapers around the world. But the Indian media largely ignored the news and found space for attack on Christian missionaries in several parts of India.


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