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Story Of Dasharatha Marrying Sumitra In Ramayana

As per Ramayana, in the grand city of Ayodhya, King Dasharatha ruled with wisdom and valor. His queens, Kaushalya and Kaikeyi, brought him great joy and contentment. However, fate had a new chapter to unfold in the king’s life, one that would introduce a new queen to the royal household.

In the distant land of Singhal, there lived a nobleman named Sumitr. He had a daughter, Sumitra, renowned for her beauty and grace. As a loving father, Sumitr was deeply concerned about finding a suitable husband for his daughter. His thoughts turned towards Dasharatha, the esteemed king of Ayodhya, whose bravery and righteous rule were celebrated far and wide. A mention of Dasharatha’s name alone was enough to instill fear in the hearts of the rakshasas, the malevolent beings that roamed the earth.

Determined to make Dasharatha his son-in-law, Sumitr summoned his most trusted priests and messengers. He instructed them to travel to Ayodhya and extend an invitation to the mighty king to wed his daughter, Sumitra. The priests, laden with gifts and messages of goodwill, set off on their journey.

Upon arriving in Ayodhya, the priests sought an audience with King Dasharatha. They introduced themselves and conveyed their master’s proposal. They spoke of Sumitra’s beauty, virtues, and the honor it would bring to unite the two noble families through marriage.

Dasharatha, though already blessed with the companionship of Kaushalya and Kaikeyi, was intrigued by the proposal. He saw this as an opportunity to strengthen alliances and bring more prosperity to his kingdom. However, he knew that discussing a third marriage openly could bring unnecessary discord. Thus, he decided to proceed with caution.

Concealing his true intentions from Kaushalya and Kaikeyi, Dasharatha announced that he would be going on a hunting expedition. This pretense allowed him to leave Ayodhya without arousing suspicion. Accompanied by the priests, Dasharatha embarked on the journey to the land of Singhal.

Upon reaching Singhal, Dasharatha was warmly received by Sumitr and his people. The land was adorned with festive decorations in anticipation of the royal union. The customs of Nandimukh were performed, where tribute was paid to the departed ancestors, honoring their memories and seeking their blessings for the auspicious occasion. This was followed by a shraddha ceremony, a ritual to appease and honor the dead, ensuring their peaceful rest.

As the evening approached and the stars began to twinkle in the twilight sky, the moment for the first meeting between Dasharatha and Sumitra arrived. Sumitra, adorned in exquisite garments and jewels, was brought into the grand hall. This ceremony, known as Subha Drishti, was a moment of auspicious sight, where the bride and groom saw each other for the first time.

Their eyes met, and in that instant, a bond was formed. Sumitra’s beauty and grace enchanted Dasharatha, and she, in turn, was captivated by the king’s regal presence and noble demeanor. The assembly rejoiced, and blessings poured in from all directions.

With the rituals complete and the blessings of their ancestors and elders, Dasharatha and Sumitra were married in a grand ceremony. The celebrations continued for days, with music, dance, and feasts marking the joyous occasion. Finally, it was time for the newlyweds to depart for Ayodhya.

As Dasharatha and Sumitra journeyed back to Ayodhya, they were accompanied by a grand procession. Upon their arrival, the city of Ayodhya welcomed them with open arms. Kaushalya and Kaikeyi, though initially surprised by the sudden introduction of Sumitra, accepted her with grace and kindness, understanding the king’s intentions and the advantages of the alliance.

Thus, Sumitra became the third queen of Ayodhya, and the royal household thrived with newfound harmony and prosperity. King Dasharatha’s wisdom and foresight in uniting with Sumitra not only strengthened the bonds between Ayodhya and Singhal but also brought greater unity and happiness within his own family.