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Story Of Curse Of Rishi Andhaka Becoming A Boon For King Dasharatha

King Dasharatha accidentally kills Sindhu, the son of Rishi Andhaka, thinking him to be an animal during a hunting expedition. As Sindhu lay dying, he implores Dasharatha to carry his body to his blind parents. With a heavy heart, Dasharatha complies.

Back at the hut, Sindhu's mother suddenly feels a throbbing in her left eye, sensing something amiss. She voices her concern to her husband, Rishi Andhaka. "Something isn't right. Sindhu should have been home long ago," she says, her worry evident.

The sage tries to reassure her, suggesting, "Perhaps Sindhu went deeper into the forest to find fruits and water." But his words do little to ease her anxiety.

As Dasharatha approaches the hut with Sindhu's lifeless body, he steps on dry leaves, creating a rustling sound. Mistaking it for their son's return, the blind couple calls out joyfully, "Son, you are late today. Do give us some fruits and water to drink."

Unsure of how to proceed, Dasharatha stands in silence, clutching Sindhu's body. He takes a hesitant step back, causing more leaves to rustle.

The sage, sensing the deception, says, "You are playing with your blind parents. Come out and talk to us, son." He then begins to meditate and soon realizes the tragic fate that has befallen Sindhu.

With tears streaming down his face, Dasharatha gently lays Sindhu's body before the sage. "Welcome, Dasharatha, killer of my son," the sage says, his voice heavy with sorrow. "I do not know what to say except that you, too, will die grieving for your son. We will give up our bodies, mourning our child. May you also die grieving thus."

Despite the curse, Dasharatha feels a strange sense of joy. "What you have said has come to me as a boon," he replies, his voice filled with hope. "Let me die after I see my son. Your curse has come to me as a blessing." King Dasharatha remained childless, a fact that caused him immense grief.

Intrigued by Dasharatha's reaction, the sage meditates further and realizes a profound truth. "Narayana will be born in your house," he says, his tone softening. "Go, King. You will have four sons, and you will die of grief when they leave you."

Dasharatha places Sindhu's body on the ground, and the blind couple tenderly runs their hands over their son's form. Calling upon the name of Narayana, the sage surrenders his life. His wife, bound by her devotion to her husband, follows him in death.

King Dasharatha, though burdened by guilt and sorrow, departs with the bittersweet knowledge that his lineage will continue, and that he will be blessed with sons. The curse, meant to bring him pain, had also brought him hope and the promise of a divine legacy.

This story is found in the Krittibasi Ramayana, the Bengali version of Valmiki Ramayana. In the original version Sindhu was Shravan Kumar. There is no story of the curse becoming a boon.