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Demon Alayudha Killed By Ghatotkacha

In the epic Mahabharata, Alayudha was a powerful demon and the brother of Baka (Bakasura), who was killed by Bhima, the Pandava warrior and father of Ghatotkacha. The tale of Alayudha and his demise at the hands of Ghatotkacha is a significant event during the Kurukshetra War.


Bakasura: Bakasura was a fearsome demon who terrorized the region of Ekachakra. He demanded a cartload of food along with a human being as a tribute from the villagers. The villagers lived in constant fear until the Pandavas, during their exile, arrived in Ekachakra. Bhima, the second Pandava, volunteered to take the place of a villager who was to be sacrificed. In a fierce battle, Bhima defeated and killed Bakasura, freeing the villagers from his tyranny.

Ghatotkacha: Ghatotkacha was the son of Bhima and the demoness Hidimba. Inherited with extraordinary strength and magical abilities from his parents, Ghatotkacha played a crucial role in the Mahabharata, especially during the Kurukshetra War, fighting on the side of the Pandavas.

Alayudha in the Kurukshetra War

Entry into the War: Alayudha, enraged by the death of his brother Bakasura, joined the Kurukshetra War to avenge him. Alayudha was a formidable warrior with demonic powers, making him a significant threat to the Pandavas.

The Battle with Ghatotkacha: During a crucial moment in the war, Alayudha encountered Ghatotkacha. The battle between them was intense and fierce, showcasing their extraordinary powers and combat skills. Both warriors used magical weapons and illusions in their fight.

Ghatotkacha's Victory: Despite Alayudha's might and determination to avenge his brother, Ghatotkacha proved to be the superior warrior. Utilizing his vast strength, magical abilities, and strategic prowess, Ghatotkacha managed to overpower and ultimately kill Alayudha. This victory not only avenged his father's earlier battle with Bakasura but also demonstrated the formidable strength of Ghatotkacha, reinforcing the Pandavas' position in the war.


The battle between Ghatotkacha and Alayudha is symbolic of the recurring theme of revenge and the cycle of violence within the Mahabharata. It highlights the interplay of fate, family bonds, and the relentless pursuit of vengeance that permeates the epic. Furthermore, Ghatotkacha's victory added to his legend as a mighty warrior who played a pivotal role in aiding the Pandavas during the war.