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To Love All Impartially Do Not Demand Anything From People You Love – Hindu Saying

The saying "To love all impartially, do not demand anything from people you love" captures a profound philosophical and ethical stance often found in Hindu teachings. Here’s an interpretation of this saying in the context of Hindu philosophy:

Unconditional Love

Hindu philosophy, particularly through texts like the Bhagavad Gita and teachings of various saints and sages, emphasizes the importance of unconditional love. True love, according to these teachings, is not contingent upon the actions or behaviors of others. It is a state of being that flows naturally and freely without expectations or conditions.


Impartiality is a key virtue in many Hindu teachings. It refers to treating all beings with equal respect and consideration. In the Bhagavad Gita, Lord Krishna advises Arjuna to rise above dualities and see all beings as equal, as manifestations of the same divine essence. By not demanding anything from others, one practices impartiality, acknowledging that everyone has their own path and pace of spiritual growth.


The concept of non-attachment (vairagya) is central to Hindu thought. It advises detaching oneself from the fruits of actions and from worldly desires. When applied to love, it means loving without attachment to outcomes or reciprocation. This form of love is selfless and pure, stemming from a place of inner abundance rather than need.

Karma Yoga

Karma Yoga, the path of selfless action, also aligns with this saying. It teaches performing actions out of love and duty, without expecting any reward or acknowledgment in return. By loving impartially and not demanding anything, one practices Karma Yoga, offering love as a service to the divine present in all beings.

Practical Application

  • Selflessness: Love others without expecting anything in return. This selflessness purifies the heart and elevates the soul.
  • Compassion: Extend compassion and understanding to everyone, recognizing their inherent divinity.
  • Detachment: Practice detachment from outcomes, focusing instead on the act of loving itself as a spiritual practice.
  • Equanimity: Maintain a balanced approach to relationships, free from favoritism or bias.

In essence, this saying encourages us to embody the highest principles of love and spirituality by letting go of expectations and loving purely for the sake of love itself. This aligns with the Hindu ideal of seeing and serving the divine in all beings, thus fostering a sense of universal brotherhood and harmony.