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Death Is Constantly Knocking At Our Door So Accumulation of Dharma Is A Must – Hindu Wisdom

In Hindu philosophy, the inevitability of death is a central tenet that shapes the way life is perceived and lived. The awareness that death can occur at any moment instills a sense of urgency and purpose in one's life. This awareness encourages individuals to focus on accumulating dharma, or righteous living, as a means to attain a higher state of being and ultimately achieve moksha (liberation from the cycle of birth and death).

The Impermanence of Life

Life, according to Hindu teachings, is transient and fragile. The concept of anicca (impermanence) in Hinduism and related philosophies like Buddhism emphasizes that all physical and mental phenomena are temporary. The Bhagavad Gita, a foundational text of Hinduism, reiterates this idea. In Chapter 2, Verse 27, Krishna tells Arjuna:

"For one who has taken birth, death is certain; and for one who is dead, birth is certain. Therefore, in the unavoidable discharge of your duty, you should not lament."

This verse highlights that death is an unavoidable part of life’s cycle, underscoring the necessity of living a life of virtue and righteousness.

The Role of Dharma

Dharma in Hinduism encompasses duty, righteousness, moral order, and living in accordance with cosmic law. It is a guiding principle that helps individuals navigate through life’s complexities and challenges. Adherence to dharma ensures that one's actions are aligned with ethical and moral values, contributing to both personal and societal well-being.

The Mahabharata, another epic text, illustrates the importance of dharma through the lives of its characters. The Pandavas, despite numerous trials and tribulations, strive to uphold their dharma, understanding that their actions in this life will determine their fate in the next.

Accumulation of Dharma

Given the certainty of death, the accumulation of dharma becomes imperative. This accumulation is not about material wealth but about the spiritual and ethical capital one builds through righteous actions, compassion, and selfless service. The karma theory in Hinduism states that every action has consequences, and living a life of dharma results in positive karma, which influences one's future births and spiritual progression.

The practice of dharma involves:

  • Self-Discipline and Ethics: Following moral codes and personal discipline to ensure one's actions are just and fair.
  • Service to Others: Engaging in selfless service (seva) to help others and contribute to the community.
  • Spiritual Practices: Engaging in regular spiritual practices like meditation, prayer, and rituals to maintain a connection with the divine.
  • Wisdom and Knowledge: Seeking knowledge and wisdom through study, reflection, and learning from enlightened beings.

The Ultimate Goal: Moksha

The ultimate goal in Hinduism is moksha, the liberation from the cycle of birth and death (samsara). The accumulation of dharma plays a critical role in achieving this state. By living a life of righteousness and virtue, one purifies the mind and soul, making them ready for liberation. The Upanishads, which are ancient philosophical texts, speak of moksha as the realization of the self's unity with Brahman, the supreme cosmic spirit.

In conclusion, the Hindu wisdom that "Death is constantly knocking at our door so the accumulation of dharma is a must" serves as a profound reminder of the fleeting nature of life and the importance of living virtuously. This perspective encourages individuals to focus on spiritual growth and ethical living, ensuring that their lives are meaningful and aligned with the cosmic order. By accumulating dharma, one not only enriches their current life but also paves the way for spiritual liberation and eternal peace.