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Integrity Is The Cornerstone Of Good Character – Ancient Hindu Saying

The ancient Hindu saying, "Integrity is the cornerstone of good character," underscores a fundamental principle found across many philosophical and ethical systems. Integrity, which involves honesty, moral uprightness, and consistency in actions and values, is considered essential for the development of a virtuous character. In Hinduism, this concept is deeply rooted in various teachings and texts, emphasizing the importance of adhering to Dharma (moral and ethical duties) and living a life of truth and righteousness.

In Hindu philosophy, the concept of Dharma is central. It represents the moral order that sustains society, and adhering to one's Dharma is seen as crucial for individual and collective well-being. The Mahabharata, one of Hinduism's great epics, often highlights the importance of integrity through its characters and their adherence (or lack thereof) to their Dharma. For instance, the character of Yudhishthira is often depicted as the epitome of integrity and righteousness, even in the face of immense personal loss and suffering.

The Bhagavad Gita, another key Hindu text, also speaks to the importance of integrity. Lord Krishna advises Arjuna to perform his duties with honesty and dedication, without attachment to the results, emphasizing that true integrity lies in performing one's duties faithfully and selflessly.

Moreover, in the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, the concept of Satya (truthfulness) is one of the Yamas, or ethical precepts, which practitioners are advised to follow. Satya involves being truthful in thought, word, and deed, reflecting the integral role of integrity in the pursuit of spiritual growth and ethical living.

Thus, the saying "Integrity is the cornerstone of good character" encapsulates a core value in Hindu philosophy, highlighting that a life guided by integrity and moral principles leads to the development of a good character and ultimately, a harmonious society.