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Why Is The Tenth Chapter Of Bhagavad Gita Known As Vibhuti Yoga?

The tenth chapter of the Bhagavad Gita is known as Vibhuti Yoga, which translates to "The Yoga of Divine Glories" or "The Yoga of Divine Manifestations." This chapter is so named because it focuses on the various divine manifestations (vibhutis) of Lord Krishna, who is the Supreme Being in Hinduism. Here are the key reasons why this chapter is called Vibhuti Yoga:

Revelation of Divine Glories: In this chapter, Lord Krishna reveals to Arjuna the numerous ways in which He manifests His divine power and presence in the world. He explains that His divine glories pervade the entire universe and are evident in all aspects of creation.

Listing of Vibhutis: Krishna enumerates various examples of His divine manifestations to illustrate His omnipresence and supreme power. He mentions that among the Adityas He is Vishnu, among lights He is the Sun, among the Maruts He is Marichi, and so on. These examples help Arjuna understand the vastness of Krishna’s divine essence.

Understanding the Infinite: Through this chapter, Krishna helps Arjuna (and the readers) to comprehend the infinite nature of the Divine. By recognizing the divine manifestations in the world around him, Arjuna can better grasp the concept of the infinite and omnipresent nature of God.

Encouraging Devotion and Awe: By describing His vibhutis, Krishna instills a sense of awe and reverence in Arjuna. This chapter serves to deepen Arjuna’s devotion and understanding of Krishna's supreme position in the cosmos, encouraging a sense of humility and the importance of recognizing the divine in all things.

Philosophical Insights: The chapter provides important philosophical insights into the nature of God, the universe, and the relationship between the two. It emphasizes the immanence of the divine in the world, suggesting that everything extraordinary or powerful in the world is a manifestation of Krishna’s divine energy.

In summary, the tenth chapter is called Vibhuti Yoga because it describes the various forms and manifestations through which Lord Krishna's divine presence is made evident in the world. This teaching helps to cultivate a deeper spiritual understanding and reverence for the divine in all aspects of life.