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Drop All That Is Unnatural In You And You Will See Peace – Ancient Hindu Wisdom

Ancient Hindu wisdom often conveys profound truths through simple yet deeply meaningful statements. One such insight is encapsulated in the phrase: "Drop all that is unnatural in you and you will see peace." This teaching invites us to reflect on our true nature and to distinguish between what is essential and what is extraneous in our lives.

Understanding the Concept of 'Unnatural'

In the context of Hindu philosophy, the term 'unnatural' refers to aspects of our being that are not aligned with our true self or dharma (righteous path). These may include:

  • Ego and False Identity: The ego is a construct of the mind that leads us to identify with transient aspects of our existence, such as our physical body, status, and possessions. This false identity creates a barrier between our true self and the peace we seek.
  • Negative Emotions and Desires: Emotions like anger, greed, jealousy, and excessive desires are considered unnatural because they disturb the equilibrium of the mind and prevent us from experiencing inner peace.
  • Attachment and Aversions: Excessive attachment to people, outcomes, and material objects, as well as aversion to discomfort or loss, are seen as deviations from our natural state of equanimity.

The Path to Peace

To attain peace, ancient Hindu wisdom advises us to shed these unnatural layers and reconnect with our true nature. This process can be approached through various practices:

Self-Inquiry (Atma Vichara):

This involves introspection and questioning the true nature of the self. By asking "Who am I?" and exploring beyond superficial identities, one can discover the eternal, unchanging aspect of their being.

Meditation (Dhyana):

Meditation helps quiet the mind and dissolve the layers of ego and emotional turbulence. It fosters a direct experience of inner stillness and peace.

Yoga and Pranayama:

The physical postures (asanas) and breath control (pranayama) in yoga are designed to harmonize the body and mind, making it easier to drop unnatural tendencies and cultivate a state of inner calm.

Living by Dharma:

Aligning one's actions with dharma, or moral and ethical principles, helps maintain balance and harmony in life. This alignment reduces internal conflict and promotes peace.

Detachment (Vairagya):

Practicing detachment involves recognizing the transient nature of worldly experiences and reducing dependence on external circumstances for happiness.

Wisdom from Sacred Texts

The Bhagavad Gita, one of Hinduism's most revered texts, elaborates on the idea of shedding the unnatural. In Chapter 2, Verse 66, Krishna explains to Arjuna:

"There is no knowledge (of the Self) to the unsteady; and to the unsteady, there is no meditation. To the unmeditative, there is no peace. To the peaceless, how can there be happiness?"

This verse highlights the importance of steadiness and inner stability, which come from relinquishing unnatural states of being.

"Drop all that is unnatural in you and you will see peace" is an invitation to embark on a journey inward. By peeling away the layers of ego, negative emotions, and attachments, we can uncover our true nature, which is inherently peaceful. Ancient Hindu wisdom thus guides us towards a life of harmony, balance, and enduring tranquility.