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The Happiness Of The Knower Of Brahman Can Never Perish

This profound statement reflects a central tenet of Vedantic philosophy, emphasizing the enduring and imperishable nature of the bliss experienced by one who has attained the knowledge of Brahman. To fully understand this, we must delve into the concepts of Brahman, the nature of this knowledge, and the resulting state of happiness.

Understanding Brahman

Brahman, in the context of Vedanta, is the ultimate reality, the unchanging and infinite principle underlying all existence. It is beyond all attributes and forms, transcending the dualities of the material world. Brahman is often described as Sat (existence), Chit (consciousness), and Ananda (bliss).

The Path to Knowing Brahman

The journey to knowing Brahman involves a deep and transformative process of self-realization. It is not merely an intellectual understanding but an experiential recognition of one's true nature. This path often includes:

  • Sravana (Listening): Hearing the teachings of the scriptures from a qualified teacher.
  • Manana (Contemplation): Reflecting on these teachings to resolve any doubts and deepen understanding.
  • Nididhyasana (Meditation): Meditating on the truths realized to internalize and experience them directly.

The Nature of the Happiness of the Knower

When one attains the knowledge of Brahman, they realize their oneness with this ultimate reality. This realization is marked by the dissolution of the ego and the false identification with the transient aspects of existence. The happiness that arises from this state is fundamentally different from ordinary, worldly happiness. It is characterized by:

  • Permanence: Unlike fleeting pleasures derived from external sources, the bliss of knowing Brahman is eternal. It is not subject to the vicissitudes of time, place, or circumstance.
  • Self-Sufficiency: This happiness is intrinsic and self-sustained. It does not depend on external objects or achievements.
  • Non-dual Nature: It is rooted in the non-dual realization that there is no separation between the individual self (Atman) and Brahman. This understanding eliminates the root of all suffering, which arises from the perception of duality and separateness.

Why This Happiness Can Never Perish

  • Unchanging Reality: Since Brahman is unchanging and eternal, the happiness that stems from its knowledge is also unchanging. The knower of Brahman abides in a state that is beyond birth and death, gain and loss.
  • Freedom from Ignorance: The root cause of suffering and impermanence is ignorance (Avidya) of our true nature. Once this ignorance is dispelled through the knowledge of Brahman, the resulting happiness is not something that can be lost or diminished, as it is based on the direct perception of reality.
  • Transcendence of the Mind: Worldly pleasures are experienced through the mind and senses, which are inherently limited and subject to change. The bliss of Brahman transcends the mind, existing at a deeper, more fundamental level of consciousness that is not affected by mental fluctuations.

The statement "The happiness of the knower of Brahman can never perish" encapsulates the essence of Vedantic teaching about the nature of true happiness. It is a reminder that the ultimate goal of life is not found in the transient and the ephemeral but in the eternal and the infinite. By realizing our true nature as Brahman, we can attain a state of bliss that is beyond all worldly experiences, a state that is unending and unassailable by the trials and tribulations of life. This realization is the pinnacle of spiritual achievement, offering a happiness that is truly imperishable.