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Why Hinduism Believes In Infinity?

Hinduism embraces the concept of infinity in various aspects of its philosophy and spirituality. Here are some reasons why:

Cosmic View: Hinduism sees the universe as an infinite and cyclical process of creation, preservation, and transformation. This cyclical view of time, called "kalachakra," suggests that the universe has no beginning or end, but rather undergoes endless cycles of creation and dissolution.

Brahman: In Hinduism, the ultimate reality is often referred to as Brahman, which is considered infinite, formless, and beyond comprehension. Brahman is the underlying essence of the universe, permeating everything and transcending all boundaries.

Atman: Hinduism teaches the concept of Atman, the individual soul, which is believed to be eternal and infinite. Atman is considered to be identical to Brahman in its essence, and the goal of spiritual practice is often to realize this unity and transcend the limitations of the individual self.

Infinity in Symbolism: Hinduism employs various symbols to represent the infinite nature of reality. For example, the symbol of the "Ouroboros," a serpent eating its own tail, represents cyclicality and infinity. The "Aum" symbol, which is chanted in Hindu prayers and meditation, symbolizes the cosmic sound of creation and the infinite nature of the universe.

Infinite Gods and Goddesses: Hinduism recognizes a vast pantheon of gods and goddesses, each representing different aspects of the divine. This multiplicity reflects the infinite manifestations of the divine within the universe.

Overall, the concept of infinity in Hinduism reflects its profound understanding of the eternal and boundless nature of reality, transcending the limitations of time, space, and individual identity.