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Hinduism Does Not Stick To Holy Scriptures – It Constantly Evolves

Hinduism is often described as a living tradition precisely because it's not bound by a single holy scripture or a centralized religious authority. Instead, it has a vast and diverse collection of texts, teachings, and practices that have evolved over thousands of years.

One of the key aspects of Hinduism is its adaptability and inclusivity. It has the capacity to absorb new ideas, beliefs, and practices while still maintaining a sense of continuity with its ancient traditions. This flexibility allows it to resonate with different cultures, societies, and individuals across time and space.

The idea of constant evolution in Hinduism can be seen in various aspects of its religious and philosophical thought, including the concepts of karma (the law of cause and effect), dharma (the moral order of the universe), and the cycle of birth, death, and rebirth (samsara). These concepts are interpreted and reinterpreted by different schools of thought and by individual practitioners in response to changing social, cultural, and historical contexts.

Moreover, Hinduism has a rich tradition of storytelling, mythology, and symbolism, which allows for multiple layers of interpretation and understanding. This openness to interpretation and reinterpretation contributes to the ongoing evolution of Hindu religious and philosophical thought.

Overall, Hinduism's dynamic and inclusive nature allows it to remain relevant and meaningful to millions of people around the world, even as it continues to evolve in response to new challenges and opportunities.