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Sadhguru Thoughts on Life After Death

Most people don't know how to handle their life here. Why are they pursuing life after death? What is the point?

Anything that is not in your experience, there is no way to understand and analyze. This needs to be extremely clear to every individual. People are always trying to understand life after death. You cannot understand anything which is in a different dimension than you are right now. The whole effort is to move to a different dimension. If that needs to happen, first you must stop understanding. You have to see that you cannot understand, and that there is no need to understand. It is the experience which takes you out of this dimension.

You cannot understand the other dimension. See, people are always talking about how God is, how heaven is. This will not lead you anywhere except to hallucinations. The only thing that you need to understand is how you are bound to your limitations. If you understand this and free yourself from those bondages, where you have to go you will anyway go.
