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Sooryaji Thoughts

All inhuman acts are performed in moments of anger. Anger is deadly enemy. Anger makes you lose your sense, power or reasoning, clouds vision and sense of justice. Anger can kill. Acts of hatred and revenge may give the fleeting feeling of winning a battle. But the war is lost, when you lose your self-esteem. Anger affects mind, body and soul, all in a negative way.

Honesty does not stop at merely being truthful and half-truths are not honest enough. Develop courage of conviction, and strength of character. One has to be fearless to be honest, as, in today’s world, negative and corrupt forces are at work. Yes, they can hurt and harm us. But if you shy away from taking a stand, you are in a way supporting them. If you choose to overlook these forces, you are encouraging these disruptive forces to grow stronger.
Sooryaji – Sooryayog Teacher