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Sivavakkiyar Poems - Sivavakkiyar teachings

Sivavakkiyar, also known as Sivavakkiyam or Sivavakkiyar Siddhar, was indeed a remarkable figure in Tamil literature and spirituality during the 10th century. His name translates to "the mouthpiece of Shiva," reflecting his deep devotion to the Hindu deity Lord Shiva.

Sivavakkiyar's poetry is celebrated for its profound mystical insights, spiritual wisdom, and social commentary. He composed his verses in Tamil, making his teachings accessible to the common people of the time. His works primarily revolve around the themes of self-realization, the impermanence of material existence, the pursuit of spiritual truth, and the path to liberation (moksha).

One of the notable aspects of Sivavakkiyar's poetry is its simplicity and directness, which often resonates with readers across generations. He employed everyday language and imagery to convey profound philosophical concepts, making his teachings easily understandable and relatable.

Sivavakkiyar's verses are not confined to religious boundaries but encompass universal truths about the nature of existence and the human condition. His poetry emphasizes the importance of inner purity, humility, and the pursuit of spiritual enlightenment as the ultimate goal of life.

Despite living in a society marked by caste distinctions and social inequalities, Sivavakkiyar's teachings advocate for the equality of all beings before the divine and emphasize the importance of compassion and love for all living creatures.

In contemporary times, Sivavakkiyar's works continue to inspire scholars, spiritual seekers, and artists alike, reaffirming his enduring legacy as one of Tamil Nadu's most revered mystic poets. His verses are often recited, studied, and interpreted for their timeless wisdom and spiritual profundity.

Sivavakkiyar Teachings

Sivavakkiyar's teachings, expressed through his poems, are deeply rooted in Shaivism and offer insights into spirituality, ethics, and the nature of existence. Here are some key themes and teachings from his works:

Oneness of God (Shiva): Sivavakkiyar's poetry often emphasizes the concept of monism or Advaita, which posits that everything in existence is ultimately an expression of the divine. He extols the unity of all beings with the supreme reality, which he identifies as Shiva.

Detachment and Renunciation: Sivavakkiyar advocates for detachment from worldly desires and attachments. He emphasizes the impermanence of material possessions and the transient nature of life, urging individuals to focus on spiritual pursuits rather than accumulating wealth or seeking transient pleasures.

Transcendence of Dualities: His teachings encourage practitioners to transcend dualities such as good and bad, pleasure and pain, and gain and loss. He emphasizes the importance of equanimity and acceptance of life's inevitable ups and downs as part of the spiritual journey.

Compassion and Nonviolence: His teaching underscores the importance of compassion and nonviolence towards all beings. He advocates for kindness, empathy, and respect for life in all its forms.

Self-Realization: Central to Sivavakkiyar's teachings is the idea of self-realization or enlightenment. He encourages individuals to seek within themselves for the ultimate truth and to realize their inherent divine nature. This process involves introspection, meditation, and spiritual practice.

Simplicity and Humility: Sivavakkiyar extols the virtues of simplicity and humility. He emphasizes the value of leading a modest and humble life, free from ego and vanity.

Path of Devotion and Surrender: While his teachings encompass various paths to spiritual realization, including knowledge (jnana) and meditation (dhyana), he also emphasizes the path of devotion (bhakti) and surrender to the divine will. He encourages devotees to cultivate love and devotion towards Shiva and surrender their individual egos to the divine.

Overall, Sivavakkiyar's teachings offer profound insights into the nature of reality, the purpose of human life, and the path to spiritual liberation. His poetry continues to inspire seekers of truth and wisdom in the Tamil-speaking region and beyond. 

Sivavakkiyar Poems

In the four eternal Vedas,
In the study and reading of scripts,
In sacred ashes and in holy writs
And muttering of prayers
You will not find the Lord!
Melt with the heart inside
And proclaim the Truth.
Then you will join the light
Life without servitude.

He is not Hari, He is not the Lord Siva.
He is the Ultimate Cause,
In the Beyond of Beyond,
Transcending Blackness, Redness, and Whiteness.
Try not to understand:
He is not big, He is not small.
He is Infinite Distance,
Transcending even
Supreme Quiescence.


Sivavakkiyar is a 10th-century Tamil devotional poet and mystic

(Source: The Poets of the Powers, Edited Kamil Zvelebil)