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Vallabhacharya Teachings On Bliss

Vallabhacharya, a prominent figure in the Vedanta tradition, espouses the philosophy of Shuddha Advaita, or pure non-dualism. According to him, Brahman, the ultimate reality, is characterized by satchitananda, which encompasses existence, consciousness, and bliss. Unlike some interpretations that posit an attributeless reality, Vallabhacharya asserts that attributes are inherent to Brahman and that an attributeless reality is not tenable.

In Vallabhacharya's framework, individual selves are fundamentally interconnected with Brahman. However, the sense of individuality emerges when the blissful nature of the self becomes obscured. While the material world possesses mere existence, individual selves possess the capacity for intelligence. Through the judicious application of this intelligence, individuals can reattain their original state of bliss and reunite with Brahman, albeit not in a numerical sense but as an attribute of Brahman.

Vallabhacharya emphasizes that liberation or freedom for the self is attained through devotion, aided by knowledge and divine grace. This underscores the importance of a holistic approach that integrates spiritual practice, understanding, and divine intervention in the journey toward self-realization and union with Brahman. 
