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Hearing Internal Sound In Deep Meditation

The practice described in the Nadabindupanishad outlines a profound journey of meditation aimed at deepening one's awareness and connection with inner consciousness. Let's delve deeper into the key aspects of this practice:

Posture and Mudra: The yogi assumes the siddhasana posture, a position specifically recommended for meditation. Additionally, they adopt the vaishnavi mudra, wherein the eyelids are kept from blinking, with the eyes seemingly focused outward but the mind withdrawn inward. This posture and mudra help in achieving a state of inner focus and concentration.

Internal Sound Awareness: Through this practice, the yogi tunes into the subtle internal sound perceived through the right ear. This sound is described as similar to various natural and musical phenomena such as ocean waves, kettle-drums, bells, and horns. By concentrating on these sounds, the yogi gradually shifts their attention from gross to subtler auditory experiences.

Concentration and Realization: The yogi's ultimate goal is to merge their mind completely with these subtle internal sounds. This merging leads to the realization of chidakasha, the pure consciousness within the space of the heart. By immersing oneself in this realm of pure consciousness, the yogi experiences a profound sense of awareness and liberation.

The Significance of Omkara (Praṇava): Omkara, also known as the primal sound of creation, represents Brahman, the ultimate reality. The practice involves dissolving the mind in the effulgence of Omkara, leading the yogi to a state of complete liberation. This dissolution of the mind in Omkara transcends the phenomenal world, offering the yogi a taste of profound spiritual freedom.

In essence, this practice outlined in the Nadabindupanishad offers a systematic method for transcending the limitations of the external world and delving into the depths of inner consciousness, ultimately leading to spiritual enlightenment and liberation.