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Nakta Vrata

The practice of Nakta Vrata, as described in Hindu scriptures, is a form of fasting observed on ekadashi days (the eleventh day after the full moon and the new moon). While able-bodied individuals are encouraged to fast completely on these days, exceptions are made for those who are unable to do so. In such cases, the option of eating once in a day is permitted, with variations such as ekabhukta and nakta.

In the context of fasting, naktavrata involves consuming a small quantity of havishyanna, which is plain boiled food without condiments and salt, during a specific time frame. This time frame typically ranges from 6 to 3 ghatikas (one ghatika equals 24 minutes) after sunset. After consuming this meal, the individual is expected to maintain certain observances, including sleeping on the ground and adhering strictly to moral virtues like truthfulness.

Observing Nakta Vrata is considered a religious vow, and it entails not only the physical act of fasting but also the cultivation of spiritual and moral discipline. By adhering to these practices, individuals aim to purify their body and mind, cultivate self-discipline, and deepen their spiritual connection.