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Documentary film on Swami Vivekananda – Influence Of Swami Vivekananda Teachings In England

Swami Vivekananda needs no introduction but how much do we know about this most popular saint of modern India. This documentary film with some rare film footages in 1 hour and 6 minutes with and excellent voice over is a good introduction into the life and teaching of Swami Vivekananda. You can watch in online for free on Youtube.

Influence Of Swami Vivekananda Teachings In England

Swami Vivekananda's teachings had a significant influence in England during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. His visit to the UK in 1895 and 1896 left a lasting impact on various facets of British society. Here are some key points highlighting his influence:

1. Philosophical and Spiritual Influence:

Introduction to Vedanta: Vivekananda introduced the principles of Vedanta to the British intellectual community, emphasizing the unity of all religions and the potential divinity of the individual.

Yoga and Meditation: He popularized the practice of yoga and meditation as pathways to spiritual development, which were relatively unknown in the West at the time.

2. Intellectual and Academic Circles:

Lectures and Writings: His lectures at prestigious institutions and his writings, such as "Raja Yoga" and "Jnana Yoga," attracted the attention of many scholars and thinkers.

Influence on Notable Figures: Prominent intellectuals, including the philosopher and writer Aldous Huxley and the Irish poet W.B. Yeats, were influenced by his teachings.

3. Social and Cultural Impact:

Interfaith Dialogue: Vivekananda's emphasis on religious tolerance and the universal message of Vedanta contributed to the growth of interfaith dialogue in England.

Cultural Exchange: His presence fostered a greater appreciation of Indian culture and spirituality among the British, leading to a richer cultural exchange between India and the UK.

4. Formation of Vedanta Societies:

Establishment of Societies: Vivekananda’s teachings led to the formation of Vedanta Societies in London and other parts of the UK, which became centers for spiritual learning and practice.

Legacy: These societies continued to promote his teachings and served as a bridge for continued exchange of spiritual ideas between India and the West.

5. Personal Influence:

Margaret Noble (Sister Nivedita): One of Vivekananda's most dedicated disciples, Margaret Noble, an Irish teacher, took the name Sister Nivedita and devoted her life to Indian education and social reform after being inspired by his vision and message.

6. Impact on Indian Students and Diaspora:

Support for Indian Students: His presence and teachings provided moral and spiritual support to the Indian students in England, fostering a sense of pride and cultural identity.

Diaspora Engagement: His message resonated with the Indian diaspora, helping them maintain a connection with their cultural and spiritual roots while living abroad.

Swami Vivekananda’s influence in England was multifaceted, impacting intellectual, spiritual, and social spheres. His teachings not only helped to bridge the cultural gap between the East and the West but also played a crucial role in shaping the spiritual landscape of the time, leaving a legacy that continues to inspire people globally.