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Kayavarohaneshwar Mahadev – Kayavarohaneshwar form of Shiva

Kayavarohaneshwar Mahadev is worshipped at Ujjain in Madhya Pradesh. This form of Shiva is the guardian deity of Ujjain. He guards the south direction. Kayavarohaneshwar Mahadev Temple is located at Karohan.

Kayavarohaneshwar is also known as Karohan Mahadev and it is also the 82nd Mahadev in the 84 Mahadev temples in Ujjain.

This is a must visit temple for those devotees undertaking the journey of Ujjain. There is also an ancient Varaha Murti located nearby.

Kayavarohaneshwar Mahadev protects devotees from all form hardships. He helps in overcoming enemies and fear.