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Kushmanda Devi – About Goddess Kushmanda Mata

Goddess Kushmanda Devi is a manifestation of Mother Goddess Shakti. Kushmanda Mata is worshipped on the fourth day of Navratri – she is the fourth of the Navadurgas. The belief is that She created the universe and earth with a smile on her face. That is why she is known as Kushmanda Mata – the smiling and happy one.

Legend has it that it was total darkness in the beginning. Goddess Kushmanda then gave a small smile and the creation began.

Kushmanda Mata resides in the rays of the sun. She is so powerful that she overcomes the heat of the sun and provides all the necessary elements needed for the life to flourish.

Kushmanda Ma is eight armed and she rides a lion. She holds lotus, bow, arrow, Kamandalu, Chakra, mace, rosary and kalash. She wears an ornate crown with rubies.  She wears a red color sari with green blouse.

Kushmanda mata is associated with Surya Navagraha in a person's horoscope or Kundalini.
The direction associated with the goddess is North.
The ideal time to worship her is during sunrise.
She prefers red color flower.
The prasad that she prefers is halwa made using rawa (sooji - semolina)
In shringar, she likes chandan.
She blesses childless couples with children. She is also worshipped by people in authority to have a peaceful career.

A popular mantra associated with the Goddess is "ॐ कुष्मांडा देव्यै नमः" The mantra should be chanted 108 times on Navratri day 4.
