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Mahakali Jayanti 2024 Date – Kali Jayanthi in Jammu and Kashmir

Mahakali Jayanti is observed by Kashmiri Pandits and other Hindu communities in Jammu and Kashmir on the Ashtami day or the eighth day of the Krishna Paksha (waning phase of moon) of Poush or Pausha month (December – January). Mahakali Jayanti 2024 date is December 23. Special rituals are observed on the day at Goddess Shakti temples.

The day is dedicated to Mahakali or Kali or Bhadrakali form of Goddess Shakti.

Some communities perform Shradh using vegetables on the day.

Various manifestations of Goddess Shakti including Mahakali are worshipped as Kuldevi or family deities by Hindu communities in this region.

In Hinduism, Mahakali holds significant spiritual and symbolic importance as one of the manifestations of the Divine Mother or Shakti—the feminine aspect of the Supreme Being. She is often depicted as a fierce and powerful goddess, symbolizing both destruction and creation. Here are some key aspects of Mahakali's significance:

Primordial Energy: Mahakali represents the primal energy of the universe, known as Shakti. She is the source of all creation, preservation, and destruction in the cosmos. As the embodiment of raw energy, she is beyond the concept of good or evil.

Destruction of Ego and Ignorance: Mahakali is often depicted as a fierce warrior, wielding various weapons and adorned with skulls and severed heads. This imagery symbolizes her role in destroying the ego, ignorance, and negative tendencies within individuals. Through her grace, devotees seek liberation from worldly attachments and spiritual enlightenment.

Motherly Protector: Despite her fierce appearance, Mahakali is regarded as a compassionate motherly figure who fiercely protects her devotees from harm and evil forces. She is invoked for strength, courage, and protection in times of adversity.

Goddess of Time: Mahakali is closely associated with the concept of time (kala). She is often depicted with a garland of severed heads, symbolizing the continuous cycle of birth, death, and rebirth. As time devours all things, Mahakali reminds devotees of the impermanence of worldly existence and the need to transcend it.

Tantric Symbolism: In tantric practices, Mahakali represents the Kundalini Shakti, the dormant spiritual energy coiled at the base of the spine. Through meditation, rituals, and yoga practices, devotees seek to awaken this divine energy and ascend towards spiritual enlightenment.

Unity of Opposites: Mahakali embodies the union of opposites—creation and destruction, life and death, light and darkness. She signifies the interconnectedness and interdependence of all dualities in the universe, ultimately leading to the realization of cosmic unity.

Festival Celebrations: Mahakali is worshipped fervently during festivals like Navaratri and Kali Puja, where devotees offer prayers, perform rituals, and seek her blessings for spiritual growth and protection.

Bhadrakali temples are widely found in Kerala, here she appeared to annihilate Demon Darika

Overall, Mahakali's spiritual and symbolic significance in Hinduism reflects the multifaceted nature of the divine feminine and her crucial role in the cosmic order. She serves as a reminder of the eternal dance of creation and destruction that sustains the universe and guides seekers on the path to self-realization.